Lisa Travis

Team Member, Manufacturing & Technology

  • Lisa Travis is a biochemist by training with a master’s degree in Regulatory Affairs from San Diego State University (USA), and with a PhD in progress in Organizational Leadership in Indiana (USA) with a Certification from the UNC Chapel Hill Keenan Flagnan Business School from the Forest Strategic Leadership program. She is a member of the Regulatory Affairs Professional Society
  • Lisa has spent over 25 years leading in businesses with a significant history at building and leading teams, with a focus on Regulatory Affairs. She has held various leadership positions in the pharmaceutical industry including manufacturing, Research and Development and Commercialization where she oversaw product development for several major programs that lead to revenues of more than $1 billion annually each
  • She has demonstrated an ability to form and build successful teams and has built a network of connections at top levels of government and the private sector in for-profit and non-profit organizations
  • She has experience leading boards and chairs the board of Cobalt United Inc and REAP, West Africa
  • She held various senior positions in the pharmaceutical industry before founding her own company in 2014
  • She is a serial entrepreneur, having subsequently founded several companies and directly contributed to the formation of others through mentoring and investment
  • Lisa presently chairs the board of Cobalt United Inc, Cobalt Energy, is the co-founder and chairman of FELI Global PTE LTD, headquartered in Singapore, is the co-founder and international board chair of REAP West Africa, and chairs the board of the Darlingston G. Johnson medical clinic in Liberia, Africa
  • She is passionate about growing non-profit initiatives and for-profit businesses for success and capacity building. Her corporate skills extend to her non-profit initiatives where her personal interest in humanitarian efforts focus on education and women and children’s education and health in Africa
  • She is a co-founder of REAP West Africa which helps youth and young adults in Africa, many who are orphans, train for jobs and live productive lives. She is enthusiastic about capacity building and jointly established a program In West Africa to train people of all ages to create and sustain businesses
  • Her quest is to successfully build a bridge between manufacturing industries and technology sectors to ensure corporate social responsibility including job creation, applying her experience in regulated industries
  • Lisa Travis 是一名生物化学家,在圣地亚哥州立大学(美国)获得监管事务硕士学位,并在印第安纳州(美国)攻读组织领导博士学位,并获得 UNC Chapel Hill Keenan Flagnan 商学院的认证 森林战略领导计划。 她是法规事务专业协会的成员
  • Lisa 领导企业超过 25 年,在建立和领导团队方面有着丰富的历史,重点是监管事务。 她在制药行业担任过各种领导职务,包括制造、研发和商业化,她负责监督几个主要项目的产品开发,每个项目每年的收入都超过 10 亿美元
  • 她展示了组建和建立成功团队的能力,并在政府高层和私营部门的营利性和非营利性组织中建立了联系网络
  • 她拥有领导董事会的经验,并担任 Cobalt United Inc 和西非 REAP 的董事会主席
  • 在 2014 年创立自己的公司之前,她曾在制药行业担任过多个高级职位
  • 她是一位连续创业者,随后创办了几家公司,并通过指导和投资直接促成了其他公司的成立
  • Lisa目前担任Cobalt United Inc、Cobalt Energy的董事会主席,是总部位于新加坡的FELI Global PTE LTD的联合创始人兼董事长,是REAP West Africa的联合创始人兼国际董事会主席,并担任REAP West Africa的董事会主席 位于非洲利比里亚的 Darlingston G. Johnson 诊所
  • 她热衷于发展非营利计划和营利性企业以取得成功和能力建设。 她的企业技能延伸到她的非营利计划,她个人对人道主义工作的兴趣集中在非洲的教育、妇女和儿童的教育和健康上
  • 她是 REAP West Africa 的联合创始人,该组织帮助非洲的青年和年轻人(其中许多是孤儿)接受就业培训并过上富有成效的生活。 她热衷于能力建设,并在西非联合制定了一项计划,以培训所有年龄段的人创建和维持企业
  • 她的追求是成功地在制造业和技术部门之间架起一座桥梁,以确保企业社会责任,包括创造就业机会,运用她在受监管行业的经验