Dr. Thomas Jandris

Team Member, Education

  • Dr. Thomas (Tom) Jandris is Senior Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer (CINO) and Dean, College of Innovation and Professional Programs Professor of Leadership
  • Dr. Jandris currently has the unique distinction of serving as Senior Vice President of Concordia University Chicago and its Chief Innovation Officer (CINO). He is also the Dean of the new and dynamic College of Innovation and Professional Programs, having previously served as the founding Dean of the College of Business and the College of Graduate and Innovative Programs.
  • Several years ago, Dr. Jandris started Progress Education Corporation to offer staff development, school improvement planning, policy consulting and a line of proprietary technology–based learning management tools to schools, districts and states.
  • Previously, he served as the president of EDmin, Inc., a company that develops technology solutions to empower performance management in education.
  • Other private sector education experiences include:
    • founding and managing Fox River Learning serving as CEO of HOSTS Corporation
    • served as the lead consultant to the governor of Michigan and the mayor’s office in Detroit during the reform takeover of the Detroit Public Schools
    • helped draft the enabling legislation to implement a constitutional amendment to restructure the governance of Florida’s education system
    • director of state services for the Education Commission of the States (ECS). Dr. Jandris was the chief architect and leader of the Urban Coalition and Corporate Partners Programs at ECS. He also directed the three-year national study of the Governance of America’s Schools
    • founded and grew a highly successful human resources consulting company
    • former U.S. Olympic Team member and syndicated columnist

Educational background

  • Dr. Jandris is a licensed psychologist who continues to teach at the graduate level. He is in demand as a speaker and consultant around the world on topics relating to “Disruptive Innovation in Higher Education,” the topic that currently consumes most of his research and scholarship. His education includes a PhD from the University of Minnesota, an MEd from Wayne State and a BS in education from Eastern Illinois University.

  • Thomas(Tom)Jandris博士是高级副总裁兼首席创新官(CINO),也是创新与专业计划学院院长领导力教授
  • Jandris博士目前的独特之处在于担任芝加哥协和大学的高级副校长及其首席创新官(CINO)。他还是充满活力的创新与专业计划学院的院长,之前曾担任商学院和研究生与创新计划学院的创始院长。
  • 几年前,Jandris博士成立了Progress Education Corporation,为学校,地区和州提供员工发展,学校改善计划,政策咨询以及一系列基于专有技术的学习管理工具。
  • 在此之前,他曾担任EDmin,Inc.的总裁,该公司致力于开发技术解决方案以增强教育中的绩效管理。
  • 其他私营部门的教育经验包括:
  • 创立并管理Fox River Learning,担任HOSTS Corporation首席执行官
  • 在收购底特律公立学校期间,担任密歇根州州长和底特律市长办公室的首席顾问。
  • 帮助起草了授权立法,以实施宪法修正案,以重组佛罗里达州教育系统的治理
  • 美国教育委员会(ECS)国家服务总监。 Jandris博士是ECS城市联盟和企业合作伙伴计划的首席架构师和负责人。 他
  • 还指导了为期三年的美国学校治理国家研究。
  • 建立并发展了非常成功的人力资源咨询公司
  • 前美国奥林匹克队成员和联合专栏作家学历
  • Jandris博士是获得许可的心理学家,继续在研究生阶段任教。 在全球范围内,他都需要有关“颠覆性高等教育创新”的演讲者和顾问,而该话题目前正在消耗他的大部分研究和奖学金。 他的教育包括明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)的博士学位,韦恩州立大学(Wayne State)的医学博士学位和东伊利诺伊大学(Eastern Illinois University)的教育学士学位。